Let’s talk about sex!

Let’s talk about sex!   When is the right time to talk to your child about sex? The simple answer is that there is no specific age to start talking about it. Discussions around this topic should be happening naturally as children grow, develop, and ask questions. It is best to think of it as...

Listening to Understand

Listening is a skill far more complicated than hearing. In order to effectively communicate with someone you need to be disciplined in the art of listening to understand, rather than listening to respond, defend or blame. It is quite easy to spot a defensive listener. Defensive listeners usually start responding before you have finished speaking....

Celebrating Motherhood

The definition of motherhood offered by most dictionaries is a rather thin and ambiguous description, yet I think it speaks to the fact that there is no universal definition or experience of motherhood. Why, then, do we seem to be striving for one?

The Blessings of a Strong Willed Child

Hearing the words 'stubborn', 'defiant', 'difficult' or 'challenging', I often can't help smiling a little. These words for me are a sign that I am possibly being introduced to a strong willed child. I smile because while these children are generally misunderstood.

Exploring alternatives to saying ‘No’!

When faced with witnessing a parent constantly say 'No' to their child, my immediate thought is, "Well then what is this child permitted to do?" And then I start to wonder, if I am feeling this way as an adult, how frustrated and annoyed is this child feeling?