Thank you that you were/are instrumental in the acknowledgement and experience of my journey with depression.
Organisational Consulting
“When a flower does not bloom you change the environment in which it grows, not the flower”
– Alexander Den Heijer
This saying has been a central idea informing my work with groups of people who are attached to various organisations. While the individual can acquire skills to deal with various situations, if the environment is not supportive of growth and development, the efforts of the individual can often be ineffective. If you have a group of people being ineffective, you have an ineffective organisation. I have consulted with the following organisations on a range of projects:
- Schools (individualised interventions and programs addressing emotional, behavioural and scholastic needs of the students, as well as classroom culture consultations).
- NGO’s (program and intervention development for early childhood attachment and development).
- Employee wellness (organisational culture consultations).